Fraud Check API Documentation
The RealValidation – Fraud Check API uses GET/POST methods and supports only HTTPS with TLS v1.2+. Determines if a phone number has possible fraudulent use, warranting further examination.
Required Input Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Phone | 10 numeric digits ONLY |
Token | Unique PW given by RealValidation |
Example API Call
Result in XML
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<tdesc>Transaction successfully completed</tdesc>
<carrier>RingCentral - Sybase365</carrier>
<location_country_name>United States</location_country_name>
Response Fields:
Response Field | Description |
Status | (See appendix A below) |
(See Appendix A below) | (See Appendix A below) |
ID | internal identifier |
tstatus | (See Appendix A below) |
tdesc | (See Appendix A below) |
phn_type | (See Appendix B below) |
phn_desc | (See Appendix B below) |
risk level | (See Appendix C below) |
recommendation | (See Appendix C below) |
score | (See Appendix C below) |
carrier | phone service provider |
location_city | geographic city region that the phone number was originally assigned to |
location_state | geographic state, province, territory, or district region that the phone number was originally assigned to |
location_zip | geographic zip code region that the phone number was originally assigned to |
location_metro_code | geographic Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area code that the phone number was originally assigned to |
location_county | geographic U.S. county region that the phone number was originally assigned to |
location_country_name | geographic country region that the phone number was originally assigned to |
location_county_iso2 | 2 letter ISO abbreviation of the location_country |
location_country_iso3 | 3 letter ISO abbreviation of the location_country |
location_latitude | geographic latitude coordinates that the phone number was originally assigned to location_longitude |
location_longitude | geographic longitude coordinates that the phone number was originally assigned to |
location_time_zone | geographic timezone name (U.S. Only) that the phone number was originally assigned to |
location_time_zone_utc_offset_min | the location time zones minimum hour difference between UTC time |
location_time_zone_utc_offset_max | the location time zones maximum hour difference between UTC time |
numbering_original_complete _phone_number | The phone number complete with country code |
numbering_original_ country_code | Country code of phone number |
numbering_original_ phone_number | The complete phone number minus the country code |
numbering_cleansing_ call_country_code | possibly corrected numeric country code needed to make the call |
numbering_cleansing_ call_phone_number | possibly corrected phone number to make the call |
numbering_cleansing_ call_cleansed_code | the location time zone maximum hour difference between UTC time |
numbering_cleansing_ call_min_length | minimum number of phone digits allowed in this country for calling |
numbering_cleansing_ call_max_length | maximum number of phone digits allowed in this country for calling |
numbering_cleansing_ sms_country_code | possibly corrected numeric country code needed to send a text message |
numbering_cleansing_ sms_phone_number | possibly corrected phone number to send a text message |
numbering_cleansing_ sms_cleansed_code | (See Appendix D below) |
numbering_cleansing_ sms_min_length | minimum number of phone digits allowed in this country for sending a text message |
numbering_cleansing_ sms_max_length | maximum number of phone digits allowed in this country for sending a text message |
Appendix A:
tstatus | tdesc | (description) |
300 | Transaction successfully completed | Able to obtain all applicable phone information |
301 | Transaction partially completed | Unable to obtain ALL of the phone information. This can cause some fields to return empty |
500 | Transaction not attempted | Phone information collection was not attempted |
501 | Phone number does not exist | Contact support |
599 | Contact support |
Appendix B:
phn_type | phn_desc | (description) |
1 | Fixed line | Typically, an 800 style number usually used for commercial purposes. Actual formatting will differ between countries |
2 | Mobile | Mobile / Cellular phone |
3 | PrePaid Mobile | Mobile phone that is not tied into a contract and has a potential chance for increased anonymity for the user |
4 | Toll_Free | The number belongs to non-call receiving pager device |
5 | VoIP | Phone that connects to its user over the internet and not directly through a telephony provider network |
6 | Pager | Numbers where tdesc is prefixed with Restricted typically have special uses or are reserved and cannot be tied to a civilian endpoint |
7 | Payphone | Typical Payphone booth |
8 | Invalid | Not valid |
9 | Restricted* | The number is used for forwarding to any other number and is not tied to a particular location or device |
10 | Personal | The number belongs to a non-call-receiving pager device |
11 | Voicemail | Numbers designed only to connect straight to a voicemail account |
20 | other | a landline phone |
Appendix C:
score | risk level | recommendation | description |
800-1000 | High | Block | Discard number due to fraud use |
601-800 | Medium-High | Block | Discard number due to fraud use |
401-600 | Medium | Flag | Be careful, as number is potentially used in fraud |
201-400 | Medium-Low | Allow | Number appears to be safe to use |
0-200 | Low | Allow | Number appears to be safe to use |
Appendix D:
numbering_cleansing_call_cleansed_code -and- numbering_cleansing_sms_cleansed_code | Description |
100 | No changes were made as the formatting was correct |
101 | Changed – Might have had extraneous digits removed or additional digits added to meet country dialing rules |
102 | Phone was restricted and possibly used for premium or emergency services |
103 | Phone number appears to be formatted correctly but could not be matched to a specific area |
104 | Phone number is incorrectly formatted |
105 | Phone length is either too long or too short |