Fraud Check API Documentation

The RealValidation – Fraud Check API uses GET/POST methods and supports only HTTPS with TLS v1.2+. Determines if a phone number has possible fraudulent use, warranting further examination.

Required Input Parameters:

Phone10 numeric digits ONLY
TokenUnique PW given by RealValidation

Example API Call

Result in XML

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<tdesc>Transaction successfully completed</tdesc>
<carrier>RingCentral - Sybase365</carrier>
<location_country_name>United States</location_country_name>

Response Fields:

Response FieldDescription
Status(See appendix A below)
(See Appendix A below)(See Appendix A below)
IDinternal identifier
tstatus(See Appendix A below)
tdesc(See Appendix A below)
phn_type(See Appendix B below)
phn_desc(See Appendix B below)
risk level(See Appendix C below)
recommendation(See Appendix C below)
score(See Appendix C below)
carrierphone service provider
location_citygeographic city region that the phone number was originally assigned to
location_stategeographic state, province, territory, or district region that the phone number was originally assigned to
location_zipgeographic zip code region that the phone number was originally assigned to
location_metro_codegeographic Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area code that the phone number was originally assigned to
location_countygeographic U.S. county region that the phone number was originally assigned to
location_country_namegeographic country region that the phone number was originally assigned to
location_county_iso22 letter ISO abbreviation of the location_country
location_country_iso33 letter ISO abbreviation of the location_country
location_latitudegeographic latitude coordinates that the phone number was originally assigned to
location_longitudegeographic longitude coordinates that the phone number was originally assigned to
location_time_zonegeographic timezone name (U.S. Only) that the phone number was originally assigned to
location_time_zone_utc_offset_minthe location time zones minimum hour difference between UTC time
location_time_zone_utc_offset_maxthe location time zones maximum hour difference between UTC time
numbering_original_complete _phone_numberThe phone number complete with country code
numbering_original_ country_codeCountry code of phone number
numbering_original_ phone_numberThe complete phone number minus the country code
numbering_cleansing_ call_country_codepossibly corrected numeric country code needed to make the call
numbering_cleansing_ call_phone_numberpossibly corrected phone number to make the call
numbering_cleansing_ call_cleansed_codethe location time zone maximum hour difference between UTC time
numbering_cleansing_ call_min_lengthminimum number of phone digits allowed in this country for calling
numbering_cleansing_ call_max_lengthmaximum number of phone digits allowed in this country for calling
numbering_cleansing_ sms_country_codepossibly corrected numeric country code needed to send a text message
numbering_cleansing_ sms_phone_numberpossibly corrected phone number to send a text message
numbering_cleansing_ sms_cleansed_code(See Appendix D below)
numbering_cleansing_ sms_min_lengthminimum number of phone digits allowed in this country for sending a text message
numbering_cleansing_ sms_max_lengthmaximum number of phone digits allowed in this country for sending a text message

Appendix A:

300Transaction successfully completedAble to obtain all applicable phone information
301Transaction partially completedUnable to obtain ALL of the phone information. This can cause some fields to return empty
500Transaction not attemptedPhone information collection was not attempted
501Phone number does not existContact support
599Contact support

Appendix B:

1Fixed lineTypically, an 800 style number usually used for commercial purposes. Actual formatting will differ between countries
2MobileMobile / Cellular phone
3PrePaid MobileMobile phone that is not tied into a contract and has a potential chance for increased anonymity for the user
4Toll_FreeThe number belongs to non-call receiving pager device
5VoIPPhone that connects to its user over the internet and not directly through a telephony provider network
6PagerNumbers where tdesc is prefixed with Restricted typically have special uses or are reserved and cannot be tied to a civilian endpoint
7PayphoneTypical Payphone booth
8InvalidNot valid
9Restricted*The number is used for forwarding to any other number and is not tied to a particular location or device
10PersonalThe number belongs to a non-call-receiving pager device
11VoicemailNumbers designed only to connect straight to a voicemail account
20othera landline phone

Appendix C:

scorerisk levelrecommendationdescription
800-1000HighBlockDiscard number due to fraud use
601-800Medium-HighBlockDiscard number due to fraud use
401-600MediumFlagBe careful, as number is potentially used in fraud
201-400Medium-LowAllowNumber appears to be safe to use
0-200LowAllowNumber appears to be safe to use

Appendix D:

numbering_cleansing_call_cleansed_code -and-
100No changes were made as the formatting was correct
101Changed – Might have had extraneous digits removed or additional digits added to meet country dialing rules
102Phone was restricted and possibly used for premium or emergency services
103Phone number appears to be formatted correctly but could not be matched to a specific area
104Phone number is incorrectly formatted
105Phone length is either too long or too short
Fraud Check API Doc
Fraud Check API 060222
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