Reassigned Number API Documentation

The Reassigned Numbers Database Lookup API uses GET/POST methods and supports only HTTPS with TLS v1.2+. Determines if a phone number has been reassigned (changed ownership) since your last date of consent.

Required Input Parameters:

Output(OPTIONAL) set to “json” or “xml”. Omitting this defaults to XML
Phone10 numeric digits ONLY
Contact_dateIn YYYY-MM-DD format. The date you received permission to contact.
TokenUnique PW given by RealValidation

Response Fields:

Response FieldDescription
RESPONSECODE-1 for a problem. OK if successfully submitted
RESPONSEMSGHuman readable message for errors. Text varies. Blank on success.
reassignedDetermines if the number has been reassigned since the date you have provided (See Appendix A)
id-1 when there’s an error, Positive numbers and letters when successful

Example: Reassigned Number API Call

Result in XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Result in JSON


Appendix A:

yesThe number has not been reported as reassigned after the date provided
noThe number has not been reported as reassigned after date provided
no dataNo changes were recorded by phone carriers since the required date of January 27th, 2021
undeterminedCheck formatting to make sure it adheres to the documentation. Then contact us.
Reassigned Number API Doc
Reassigned Number API 03062023

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