RealPhoneValidation FAQs
How Do I Get Started?
Getting started is easy… Sign up here. Once you have an account, log in to the user portal to start validating.
FYI: RealValidation is a B-to-B service. Signing up with a free email address will make you ineligible for the 100 trial credits.
How do I fund my account?
Go to the My Account page; in the “Billing Information” section, click the “add/update credit card” button. Enter your credit card information.
After your credit card information has been added – go to “Add Funds,” enter the dollar amount you would like to add ($25 minimum) to your account and click “Charge”.
Optional: Enable Auto Recharge. Turning on your Automatic Payment setting will ensure uninterrupted service. This is especially important for customers validating web forms via API.
That’s all there is to it. You are ready to start validating!
What are my options for validating phone numbers?
RealPhoneValidation offers four ways to validate:
1. Batch validation for lists under 50,000 numbers per file – available through the user portal. Batch services documentation
2. Bulk validation for large lists of up to 500,000 numbers per file – available through secure FTP. FTP is not automatically set up during account creation. If you will be submitting large files, please email to request FTP credentials.
3. API validation for web forms and apps. API services documentation
4. Manual validation of one number at a time – available through the user portal.
Can you help us get set up?
We are happy to answer any questions that you have about implementing RealPhoneValidation but are not able to provide custom development. For the fastest response, email your questions to:
How fresh is your phone data?
It’s as fresh as you can get…RealPhoneValidation pings telco switch data at the time of validation.
How do you determine your accuracy?
We have a dedicated quality control team that hand-dial a minimum of 3,000 randomly picked numbers each week and compares their findings to our services disposition of the numbers.
How many numbers does your database include?
RealPhoneValidation does not maintain a database. We use telco data to provide the most up-to-date information available.
Do you offer a turnkey, Do Not Call compliance service?
RealValidation does not offer a turnkey service. We provide the pieces required to build your own in-house compliance system.
We offer two Do Not Call services:
1) DNC Lookup – provides national, state, and DMA do not call status, known litigator check, and phone type
2) DNC Plus – includes all data points from DNC Lookup plus connected/disconnected disposition
We also recommend companies keep an internal DNC list. When a customer requests they be put on your do not call list, their request should be honored immediately.
What are the technical and capacity limitations?
API calls are limited to 10/second, each API being for a single phone number.
Web batches are limited to a 1MB file submission per batch.
FTP submissions should be limited to about 500,000 phones per file uploaded.
Accounts are limited to a single login to manage a single account on Multiple staff members can be logged in with the same login credentials.
Are you working on new features?
Always! RealValidation is constantly working to improve our current services and add new features to offer you the most accurate and innovative validation available.
Do you offer support, uptime, and service level guarantee?
We pride ourselves on the support we provide to our clients at all phases of our relationships.
Our uptime is flawless; we have never had an unscheduled outage.
We do not have a formal service level guarantee but are open to discussion to meet our client’s needs.
How does your pricing work?
Our pricing is volume, commitment, and service-based. Please use our automated quote request to receive pricing for your specific use case.
FYI: Most phone validation services offer flat fees or fixed pricing because they are doing a database lookup (who knows when the database was last updated). We use telco data in real-time for each query – which means we have a real cost for every validation.
What are the available payment options?
RealValidation offers Pay-as-you-go, bulk purchases, or invoicing for high-volume commitments. Please request a quote or contact sales at 800.777.2770 for more information.
Can I cancel my account anytime?
Sure. Email your request to, or just stop using it, and the account will stay dormant in case you need to use it in the future.