Author name: Real Phone Validation

Use a Phone Number Validation API to Maximize Conversions

Use a Phone Number Validation API to Maximize Conversions Verifying the validity of phone numbers is important to ensure that your business focuses on reaching real people. This can be easily done through a phone number validation API, which can identify invalid or disconnected phone numbers. Utilizing this technology can avoid wasted efforts and improve […]

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Florida Telephone Solicitation Bill Summary

This summary is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have specific questions regarding TCPA compliance, please consult an attorney.  Florida CS/SB 1120 — Telephone Solicitation Bill Summary As of July 1, 2021, Florida is enacting a new telemarketing bill. The bill, CS/SB 1120, amends the state’s existing telemarketing law,

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How Identifying Disconnected Phone Numbers Can Improve Your Business

Identifying Disconnected Phone Numbers Can Improve Your Business To some businesses, gathering contact information is an afterthought. During a sale, customer data is captured and stored away on a server only to be dragged out if it’s needed for customer service. Maybe it’s used to send along offers and updates, but, by and large, it’s

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